Monthly Bible Q&A (Hover to Flip to Answer) The longest book of the bible (by word count). Jeremiah (33,002 words) Two books named after women Esther, Ruth. The book that follows Micah. Nahum. The last book in the Old Testament. Malachi. The shortest book by word count. 3rd John (219 words). The book before Ezra. 2nd Chronicles. A book with 2nd in the title. 2nd Corinthians, 2nd Thessalonians, 2nd Timothy, 2nd Peter, 2nd John, 2nd Chronicles, 2nd Kings, 2nd Samuel. The first sentence in the Bible. Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. “ The book named after a Queen. Esther. The book that first mentions Noah. Genesis (5:29). The Last sentence in the Bible. (Revelation 22:21) “The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen.” A book about trying to run from God. Jonah (1:3). The book with the longest chapter in the Bible. Psalm (119, 176 verses and approximately 2,445 words). The author of Acts. Luke (Generally attributed along with the Book of Luke). The shortest chapter in the Bible. Psalm 117 ( two verses and 17 words). A book named after a minor prophet. Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. A book named after a major prophet. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel. A book of poetry. Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon. A book containing the life of Joseph. Genesis. A book that mentions Zacchaeus. Luke (chapter 19) A book written by Paul when he was in prison Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon. A book about wisdom and practical living. Ecclesiastes, Proverbs. A book that gives instruction concerning baptism. Matthew, Mark, Luke, Acts, Romans, Ephesians, Colossians, 1st Peter New Testament book that mentions repentance. Matthew, Mark, Luke, Acts, Romans, 2nd Corinthians, 2nd Timothy, Hebrews, 2nd Peter. A book that talks about appointment of elders and deacons. 1st Timothy, Titus.